

Issue #52




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Editorial—Stuart McRobert
The best time is now!

Rational Training—Kevin R. Fontaine
Regulating volume and frequency

A Letter to the Editor—Dr. Ken E. Leistner
Comment on the Hahn-Maurice-Rydin debate

It Feels So Good When You Stop—John McKean
Training based on the methods used by Steve Justa

Designing Your Own Training Program—John R. Christy

You Can Gain 60 lbs (or more) of Bodyweight—Mike Brown

Questions and Answers—Dave Maurice and Rich Rydin
Squat alternatives, bodybuilding supplements, regular versus stiff-legged deadlifts, concerns for the 50+ Trainee

Nightmare on Seventh Street—Bob Whelan
Eric Weinstein training under Bob’s supervision

The Steel Tip—Dr. Ken E. Leistner
Media response to the steroid problem, the press: seated or standing, bodyfat percentage, strength wars

An Exercise in Futility—Dave Maurice and Rich Rydin
More debate with Fredrick Hahn

Principle-Based Training: Part Six—Steven Scott Plisk
High performance nutrition

Forum—edited by Stuart McRobert
Lifting for life, a “real” hard gainer’s program, weighted side bends