

Issue #35




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Editorial—Stuart McRobert
Keeping bang on track

The Other Unparalleled Exercise, Part 1—Jan Dellinger
Study of the deadlift

Me, Pete and Steve—Ron Harris
A lesson in genetic disparity

All-Round Briefs—John McKean
Ultra-abbreviated training routines

Asking Dr. Ken—Dr. Ken E. Leistner
Arthur Jones, body fat, squat devices, aerobic work, plyometrics

Form and Technique—Brooks D. Kubik
General considerations: The ten elements of good style

Gemology 101—John Szimanski, Jr.
The value and use of small discs

Once-a-Week Progression—Wesley Silveira
Progression, training frequency, and exercise overlap

Sixteen Years On, Part 2—Casey J. Ramas
Nutrition, training, aerobics, contest preparation

Specialization Simplicity—Christian N. Temple
How to specialize effectively

A Visit to the USA, Part 2—Mike Thompson
Visits to The Pit and Hammer Strength headquarters

Chiropractic—Dr. R. Keith Hartman
Mild disc bulge, safety assessment, motivation, squatting and deadlifting form

Forum—edited by Stuart McRobert
More on hard-gainer traits and body structure, the reality of genetics