

Issue #59




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Editorial—Stuart McRobert
The big little things

Goodbye to the Pioneer Bodybuilder—Fred R. Howell

Specialization—Sean Toohey
Effective bodypart specialization

Explosive Lifting: Just Say No!—Bill Piche

The Current State of Affairs—Stuart McRobert
Bad almost beyond belief, role models that mislead

John Grimek was “The Man”—Bob Whelan

The Steel Tip—Dr. Ken E. Leistner
Hip and thigh power, safety first

Brief Commentary—Dr. Ken E. Leistner
How excessive attention to the details of training can lead to loss of focus on the overall workout and training as hard as possible

HARDGAINER Nutrition 107—Lyle McDonald
Setting calorie levels

Addressing Your Questions—John R. Christy
Squatting, stiff-legged deadlift and bent-legged deadlifting in the same week; John’s “way to train,” 20-rep squatting, the “curl challenge”

Questions and Answers—Rich Rydin and Dave Maurice
Why a rounded back is dangerous when squatting or deadlifting heavily, vertical leg presses, rep counts

Forum—edited by Stuart McRobert
Real-world lifting, armed and dangerous (poem of instruction), leg press, need to study, squat vs deadlift