

Issue #51




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Editorial—Stuart McRobert
Never bemoan a blessing

And Then There Was One!—Wesley Silveira
Success with single work sets

Getting Pervis Back in Service—Bob Whelan
Pervis Ellison training under Bob’s supervision

Old-Time Strength Training—Mike Thompson

Enhancing Your Technique—John R. Christy
Bench press, squat, overhead press, standing curl, deadlift

Force: Don’t Reckon With It—Fredrick S. Hahn
A response to the article “Rep Speed, Part 1”

The Steel Tip—Dr. Ken E. Leistner
Amino acids (continued), warm-ups, the media response to the steroid problem

Principle-Based Training: Part Five—Steven Scott Plisk
Training tips

Strength Training and the Older Athlete, Part 2—Bill Starr

Questions and Answers—Dave Maurice and Rich Rydin
How to know when you’re doing too little training, scientific studies of training, arm training, recuperation time, workout frequency

Dedication vs Obsession—Stuart McRobert

Forum—edited by Stuart McRobert
Size and sensibility, trap bar handling solution, pre- and post-workout stretching