

Issue #4




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Editorial—Stuart McRobert
Our first steps

The Cambered Bar—Stuart McRobert

The Truth about Muscular Girths—Stuart McRobert

Lessons to Share—Fernando Vallejo

Training and the Older Person—Edmund Kane

Man-Making Methods—Randall J. Strossen
Asian wrestlers, bulging with basics

Training and the Working Hard Gainer—Stuart McRobert

Asking Dr. Ken—Dr. Ken E. Leistner
Alternatives to the barbell squat

A Letter from Chas—Charles A. Smith

Readers’ Input
Poundage progression, training frequency, individual interpretation

Hotchpotch—Stuart McRobert
Assortment of information on training and training-related matters

Powerlifting for the Hard Gainer—Doug Daniels
Basic principles

The Overweight Hard Gainer—Gregory Scott

The Power Routine—Stuart McRobert