What people are saying
BUILD MUSCLE LOSE FAT LOOK GREAT rates five stars on a one-to-five star scale. This 638-page, very well organized book is an incredible reference for anyone interested in strength training.
The advice Stuart gives is very effective and practical, with an unparalleled emphasis on exercise technique, and training safety. Of course, training safety is the bedrock of progress in strength, physique, and fitness, which is why Stuart gives it special attention.
Aside from the exercise technique instruction there are over 400 pages covering absolutely everything else about and related to training.
The novice reader can instantly access Stuart’s 30-plus years of training wisdom, while the veteran trainee will be able to use this most comprehensive book as an ongoing resource.
If anyone interested in strength training had to select just one instructional book, BUILD MUSCLE LOSE FAT LOOK GREAT would be it. It is truly magnificent!
– Steve Baldwin has been strength training for 38 years. He was competitive in Olympic lifting, and powerlifting. He has an MS degree in Fitness and Wellness, and certifications from the American College of Sports Medicine, and the National Strength and Conditioning Association. He works as a fitness trainer specializing in strength training.
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As a chiropractor with over 25 years of strength-training experience, I’ve studied training extensively, and I’ve observed, trained, and treated thousands of trainees.
For everyone interested in improving their physiques, fitness, and well-being — beginners, intermediates, and even advanced trainees — there’s no better book than Stuart’s latest: BUILD MUSCLE LOSE FAT LOOK GREAT.
By handling topics that other books don’t, and by comprehensively covering subjects that other books deal with only scantily, or inaccurately, BUILD MUSCLE LOSE FAT LOOK GREAT is extraordinary — a book of extensive know-how, insight, and wisdom.
BUILD MUSCLE LOSE FAT LOOK GREAT is authoritative, and crammed with responsible, safe, and highly effective instruction for men and women. It has my unreserved, professional endorsement.
– Dr. Gregory Steiner, DC
A chiropractor in Dallas, Texas, USA
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This is the most complete, informative, and useful book I’ve ever read on bodybuilding, strength training, and physique transformation. And I’ve read many training books.
Stuart McRobert started training in 1972. From 1981 he’s been sharing his experiences and knowledge, first through magazine articles, and then through his own magazine and books. He’s paid his training dues, he really knows his stuff, and he can write well, too.
This authoritative work has 640 pages (656 if you include the 16 of preliminaries), and nearly 400 photographs. The subtitle says it all: “Everything You Need to Know to Transform Your Body.” And “everything” isn’t used loosely.
As an illustration of how thorough this book is, consider the squat. Most trainees are taught to believe that the squat is a great exercise, but the squat is a great exercise ONLY if it’s done safely and effectively. That’s why has Stuart devoted over 40 pages to the squat and its variations, including over 40 photographs, to show you precisely how to make at least one of the alternatives safe and effective for you.
But it’s not just the content of this book that’s exceptional. The presentation is also exceptional. The book is very easy to read due to Stuart’s style.
While this book will help beginners and intermediates the most (men and women) it also provides a wealth of valuable information for advanced bodybuilders, lifters and fitness trainees.
BUILD MUSCLE LOSE FAT LOOK GREAT is crammed with a depth and breadth of usable, proven instruction you can’t find in such a complete way in other books.
Everyone who trains should be encouraged by Stuart’s account of the recovery he made from serious injuries, without any surgery or medication. To paraphrase his own words, it was as if he was given a new spine, and new knees. He turned the clock back and regained ranges of movement in his neck, back and knees that he hadn’t had for over 15 years. Old injuries were healed fast, after many years during which he believed that the injuries were permanent.
Stuart explains the original problems and their causes, the corrective therapy, the maintenance care, and the lessons for all of us to learn.
This book takes “completeness” on training and related subjects to a new level.
For its content, presentation, and value for money, this book has my unconditional endorsement. It’s the first book I’d recommend to anyone who’s interested in training, and physique transformation. Get yourself a copy. You won’t regret it.
– Bill Piche
Triple-bodyweight deadlifter in drug-free ADFPA competition
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Utterly complete, a book for men and women who want to ‘be in shape,’ or to compete at the highest level. All the required information is right here.
– Kathy Leistner, BA, MA, MA
Exercise physiologist, past competitor at national and world powerlifting
championships, and a former Ms. California; from New York City, USA
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This book is likely the most complete, comprehensive guide to safe, effective, and healthy training. It surpasses McRobert’s other books by representing his evolving and more scientifically based ideas about effective training, put together in a very readable and enjoyable package. In many respects, the book puts science into practice so that all readers can move toward optimizing their training and abilities.
A brilliant book! Follow the program developed by Stuart and you’ll reach your potential for strength, muscle mass, fitness, and health.
– Richard Winett, Ph.D.
A professor at Virginia Tech in the USA, publisher of MASTER TRAINER, and award-winning health researcher
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Use this unique book as your own expert personal trainer. It’s packed with thorough, wise advice. BUILD MUSCLE LOSE FAT LOOK GREAT is for all trainees, both men and women. Stuart shares his extensive experience in an easy-to-understand way. His recommendations are thorough, practical, and easy to apply. This book provides all the instructional tools you need in order to transform your body.
– Rachael E. Picone, MS
Exercise physiologist, speaker, and author; from New Jersey, USA
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I’ve just finished Stuart McRobert’s book BUILD MUSCLE LOSE FAT LOOK GREAT. I found it to be very comprehensive. While it’s an outstanding book for men and women who are starting training, it’s also a terrific book for those who are already involved with training for physique, fitness, and health. The book is so thorough and authoritative that it could even serve as a textbook for a college class on strength training and its benefits. The book is precisely what its subtitle states: “Everything you need to know to transform your body.” It’s a great addition to my library!
– Jim Bryan, Winter Haven, FL, USA. Jim has been involved in strength training for 47 years. He has competed in Olympic lifting, odd lifts, powerlifting, and bodybuilding; and he has run college strength training programs. Jim has also served as a judge in Olympic lifting, and powerlifting.
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The fitness industry has been swamped with advice that is bloated with embellishment, littered with lies, and peppered with hyperbole and catchy buzzwords. There is nothing “new” about weight training, yet each year the market is flooded with a surplus of fitness and exercise information. If supply is any indication of demand, many people are still searching for the road to enlightenment.
Stuart McRobert’s BUILD MUSCLE LOSE FAT LOOK GREAT is not just another how-to hoax; it is a chronological road map through the chaos of conflicting opinions that surround the training process. Armed with a wealth of training experience, and literary skill, Stuart has composed a valuable guide that skirts the glut of nonsense, and puts the reader on the road to life-changing, lasting results.
Already a highly respected fitness author, McRobert has perfected the art of writing instructional, weight-training books. His relentless pursuit of the truth, and willingness to share his personal triumphs and tribulations, are the wellspring for his frank answers to very complex questions. With a style that is both encouraging and straightforward, Stuart expresses a sincere desire to help others succeed. Leaving the snake oil and hogwash to others, he teaches readers of all levels of experience and development how to design and follow a successful, stage-appropriate training blueprint. Stuart carefully coaches his audience toward personal success by unlocking the mystery of existing, yet often confusing fitness protocols, then shows his readers how to set safe, realistic goals, and how to use progressive, reliable methods to reach those goals.
This book contains thorough descriptions of proper exercise technique, dietary prescriptions, tools for designing routines, tips for the prevention and treatment of injury, appropriate cardio guidelines, and an abundance of useful suggestions for anything fitness or weight-training related. The book also includes ample photographs, which demonstrate the important subtleties regarding proper exercise form. And there are descriptions of some exercises previously considered taboo by Stuart. Supplementary material includes an expanded chapter on anatomy, what I believe is the largest lexicon of lifting-related terminology ever complied in an instructional book for public use, and frank discussion about the important issues of shame and unrealistic physical expectations.
If you have come to expect McRobert’s work to contain carefully written instruction and honest insight, you will not be disappointed by this book! It does far more than lay the groundwork for building the body you have always wanted. It is a progressive handbook that walks readers through every stage of training with extraordinary precision and detail. Do not miss this opportunity to take control of your health and fitness program. Whether you are hoping to further your own knowledge, or to provide a responsible guide for family or friends, this book is an inspirational, indispensable teaching tool that will give you the confidence and knowledge you need to achieve the results you want.
– Cheryl Zovich, New England, USA. Cheryl has over 25 years experience of strength training, and bodybuilding.
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I expected Stuart’s new book to be good, but not this good! It’s packed with detailed instruction on bodybuilding. But what many people consider to be minor details are, in fact, not minor at all. Knowledge of the details saves a lot of trouble, injuries, and wasted workouts, and can make the difference between success and failure.
I’ve read many bodybuilding and fitness books. They were written by famous current bodybuilders, or famous former bodybuilders. But none of those books come even close to Stuart’s. His is full of training wisdom that can’t be found in other books. That, and the fact that Stuart pays so much attention to important details on training and everything related to training, are what separate this book head and shoulders from the others.
For everyone interested in developing a better body, get a copy of BUILD MUSCLE LOSE FAT LOOK GREAT. Apply what it teaches and there will be little chance that you’ll make mistakes.
Each time I read one of Stuart’s works I realize more and more that his are so different from the traditional books on training. His are full of bodybuilding truth. And if there’s a bible in bodybuilding, it’s Stuart’s new book.
– Renato Fiore, Denhaag, Holland
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BUILD MUSCLE LOSE FAT LOOK GREAT is Stuart’s most comprehensive, information-dense resource yet. The basics, best, and ‘breviated approach that Stuart is known for has evolved in the light of the latest research in exercise and nutritional science, and his own experiences (including his almost miraculous recovery from chronic back and knee injuries). The specific chapters on injury prevention, cardio training, how to lose bodyfat, anatomy, and a super-detailed lexicon, particularly stand out because of their uniqueness relative to other books on exercise. AND his entire exercise technique book has been thoroughly revised, expanded, and included within this single new resource!
Don’t let the simple title fool you. BUILD MUSCLE LOSE FAT LOOK GREAT is the true encyclopedia on training and body transformation. I highly recommend it as Stuart’s most ambitious work to date.
– Alvin Chu, New York City, USA. Al has been strength training naturally for over 25 years. As a certified fitness trainer he has worked with countless trainees in a number of major gyms and health clubs throughout NYC. Al is the 2011 NPA Overall Men’s Masters New York State Bodybuilding Champion.
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In almost 20 years of weight training, I have read my share of books on exercise and fitness, including the ones I had to read in college while pursuing a degree in Exercise Science. BUILD MUSCLE LOSE FAT LOOK GREAT is the most complete, thorough, and truthful book on every topic you need to be informed about in order to be successful with your exercise program.
Whether you are a man or woman, beginner or advanced, this is the book you need to be reading. Stuart gives you detailed information on how to train and, most importantly, how to enjoy it for years to come. With the hype, propaganda and downright lies at an all time high in the health and fitness world today, BUILD MUSCLE LOSE FAT LOOK GREAT is the place to go for honest, straight-forward information on training, nutrition, and everything in between.
If you have spent too much time not getting the results you want, follow the methods given in BUILD MUSCLE LOSE FAT LOOK GREAT. You just might be surprised at what you can accomplish.
– Patrick Self, Trussville, Alabama, USA
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The first time I read anything by Stuart McRobert was in an Ironman magazine back in 1990. That first article opened my eyes to sensible training. I read and re-read it. Soon afterward I sent away for a free copy of HARDGAINER magazine. A subscription to HARDGAINER was followed by the purchase of Stuart’s first book, BRAWN. These two publications, HARDGAINER and BRAWN, are the standards by which I judge all magazines and books on weight training. Both are rare gems in a crowded, substandard market.
In BUILD MUSCLE LOSE FAT LOOK GREAT Stuart recaptures the charm of BRAWN, and shares with the reader from an added 15 years of experience. Stuart is a gifted writer, and his work applies both to beginners and veterans. For beginners he provides a path, and for veterans he keeps you on the path (or puts you back on it).
He leaves no stone unturned in BUILD MUSCLE LOSE FAT LOOK GREAT. Every subject associated with weight training is addressed: diet, stretching, warm-up work, cv training, injury prevention and treatment, overtraining, exercise selection and technique, recuperation, training partners, gym safety, expectations, optimal times and temperatures to train at, spotting, etc. The book is so detailed that there is even a pictorial on how to load plates and move dumbbells.
I feel that no other book or instruction would be needed for someone to succeed at weight training. And even with his attention to detail, I at no time felt like Stuart was repeating any of his previous writings. BUILD MUSCLE LOSE FAT LOOK GREAT is crisp and original.
Do yourself a favor and buy a copy of Stuart’s new book. It is a great read, and will be money well spent.
– Jim Mardis has been strength training for 30 years. For several years he was a high school strength coach. Without drugs or great genetics, Jim is an example of what can be achieved with correct training. At just over 200 pounds bodyweight he has bench pressed 380 pounds, done 325 x 20 rock-bottom squats without a belt but with just a one-second pause at the top of each rep, and 405 x 20 parallel-grip deadlifts, again without a belt.
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BUILD MUSCLE LOSE FAT LOOK GREAT is beautifully presented, and as packed with honest, real, complete, and useful advice as you claim.
Your writings are, however, more than technical prescriptions of a training philosophy. For me they have instilled a CONFIDENCE in rational training, which has yielded excellent results — a far cry from the mainstream nonsense that ruined my younger years. (I am now 48.)
You are a true physical culturist, and your writings are based on experience, honesty, and integrity. Everyone who purchases your book will be guaranteed to be on the path to the body they want. They will also get the benefit of improved health and flexibility, rehabilitation of any existing injuries, and prevention of further injuries.
– Stephen Chapman, Viewbank, Victoria, Australia
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This is the fifth of Stuart’s books I’ve purchased. I would recommend all of them for the information they contain, but BUILD MUSCLE LOSE FAT LOOK GREAT is the most comprehensive. I first discovered Stuart’s books in January 2003, when I purchased one from Joe Orengia, owner of Joe’s Gym in Erie, PA, USA. Joe is also a powerlifter and contest promoter. It was Joe who recommended Stuart’s publications. If I were to choose just one book to recommend to a beginner or even an experienced trainee, it would be Stuart’s latest. While I can’t say enough about the importance of Stuart’s attention to detail, that’s just one of the outstanding features that make this book a standout publication.
Even though I’ve been involved with training for over four decades, BUILD MUSCLE LOSE FAT LOOK GREAT still taught me a great deal. There’s much in this book that I’ve never read about in any magazine or other book. And it confirmed many things that I’ve learned through hard experience.
It contains candid advice not found in other publications. Stuart isn’t a shill for the food supplement industry, and he offers a realistic approach toward the use of supplements.
The fantastically thorough lexicon in Chapter 24 is just wonderful. I doubt there’s any other single source of training and training-related terminology as complete as this one.
The exercise descriptions and precautions are extraordinarily thorough. Examples include the danger of the thumbless grip during pressing movements, and the importance of avoiding of certain behind-the-neck movements, including presses and lat pulldowns.
People with my degree of experience could at least double the speed of someone else’s training and physique progress. BUILD MUSCLE LOSE FAT LOOK GREAT does all of that, and more, in a single book.
That there’s so much helpful, practical information in one book is extraordinary. Someone with little or no training experience can get this book, read it carefully over a couple of weeks, and then virtually match me on training know-how even though I have 43 years of experience. And the book is extremely well-written and presented, and highly reader-friendly.
– Don Swingle is from Fredonia, New York, USA. He is 59 years old and began weight training, bodybuilding and lifting at age 16. After about 30 years or more of not competing, he returned to “raw” lifting about three years ago — no drugs, and no assistance gear except for belt. He averages about six meets per year.
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With authority, every area of training is covered in this magnum opus. Over 600 pages of information detail everything you need to know about losing bodyfat and building muscle, as well as living a longer, healthier life. This is not a book of theory, though. It meticulously covers every practical detail.
No other book has covered training with the same care, detail, and thoroughness. And the presentation of the book is excellent, laid out in three broad sections, and 24 chapters. As an example of the book’s thoroughness, consider Chapter 24 — the superlative 65-page glossary. It explains, in detail in many cases, every piece of exercise-related jargon you’re likely to ever come across, which will increase your understanding of how to train for the best results.
This book is different to Stuart’s other publications — it’s much deeper, and it has a more holistic view. While it provides everything that diehard bodybuilders and strength trainees crave, it has wider appeal, too. It’s also accessible to those whose primary aims are, for example, to lose some bodyfat, or increase their cardio fitness.
This may be the only training book you’ll ever need — brilliant content, in brilliant packaging. It is a masterpiece.
– Dr. Jonathan Smith, Durham, England
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I’ve strongly endorsed Stuart McRobert’s previous books, but BUILD MUSCLE LOSE FAT LOOK GREAT is something EVEN MORE special. It’s an extraordinarily comprehensive manual on how to train. Its instruction and wisdom will help absolutely everyone who trains — male or female, young or not so young, novice or highly experienced, commercial gym user or home trainee.
It promotes the same principles that I apply with GREAT success in my own strength-training business. But few people have a good personal coach. The best alternative is a book with expert, complete instruction.
At nearly 650 pages, with about 400 photographs, and drawing on his 30+ years of experience, and written with great care and ability, Stuart has produced the ultimate book on strength training and physique transformation.
He’s invested a mammoth amount of work in his effort to produce a truly complete book. No longer do you need to study multiple books on training, and invest many years of trial-and-error experience, before you can become an expert on training. Stuart has put it all into a single book. From just a couple of weeks of study of it you can learn what used to take years of study and experience to acquire.
This truly fantastic book has my unequivocal, professional endorsement.
– Bob Whelan, MS, MS, CSCS
“Maximum” Bob Whelan has over 35 years of training experience. And he has a Masters Degree in Exercise Science and Health from George Mason University, and a Masters Degree in Management from Troy University. He is a certified strength and conditioning specialist. He has been making Washington, DC stronger since 1990, by running Whelan Strength Training, one of the most challenging and comprehensive personal strength-training programs in the world. He formerly worked as an exercise physiologist at NASA, and as the strength and conditioning coach at Catholic University. He has trained athletes from the NFL, NBA, NCAA, and Women’s Professional Basketball.
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This is arguably the best book of its kind. It is rational, enlightened, intelligent and, above all, sober and realistic. McRobert shows how steady progress in health and strength can be achieved on a lifetime basis.
Moreover, by following his teachings, chronic and debilitating training injuries can be avoided. A metaphor which describes this book is that of an iceberg; lying beneath the over six hundred pages of the book are many years of thoughtful observation and experimentation.
This book is a treasure; everything that is important about physical training is thoroughly dealt with.
– A.M. Spector, PhD, Sunderland, England
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First off, let me say emphatically, GREAT BOOK! It is obvious that Stuart put a lot of time and energy into writing a book that will answer every question a serious trainee could have about how to gain muscle and look great. He covers issues that most books don’t dare to touch, like the personal side of lifting weights in the chapter, “Burning Issues.” The book is so well edited he is able to pack a lot of infomation in a reasonable space. I was especially impressed with the section on exercise technique. Stuart is known for his uncompromising stance on progressive poundages in good form, and these very detailed descriptions of lifting techniue, along with many pictures, strengthen that message tremendously.
While I’m not a novice lifter, I have yet to truly maximize my bodybuilding potential. With this book, though, I’m sure I’ll be successful in reaching my goals. Congratulations Stuart, and thanks for a brilliant book!
– Leonard McMahon, Walnut Creek, USA
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I’ve been training since I was 14, which is a good 16 years now. After coming across strategies that work by reading Stuart’s HARDGAINER magazine, my training has successfully evolved into what it is today. Now, after purchasing BUILD MUSCLE LOSE FAT LOOK GREAT, I can honestly say that it is a tremendously comprehensive piece of training literature for anyone interested in serious, long-term training.
BUILD MUSCLE LOSE FAT LOOK GREAT covers everything, including training philosophy, training programs, injury prevention and treatment, and has a fabulous section on the safe technique of over 50 result-producing exercises. The book is a combination of new information and an accumulation of many of the pieces in the training jigsaw puzzle that I’ve accumulated through reading Stuart’s material over many years.
For the price of the book, the purchaser is getting a fantastic bargain!
– Nick Tangi, Aylesbury, England
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I’d be lying to you if I said Stuart’s BUILD MUSCLE LOSE FAT LOOK GREAT provided me with a life-changing experience or with information so contrary to all that I had read before that I totally changed my approach to weight training and fitness. You see, Stuart wrote a book 15 years earlier that did that for me: BRAWN. At that time, and by chance, I had read an article Stuart wrote for one of the newsstand muscle magazines. I was actually standing in the grocery store, flipping through the magazine, when I stumbled across the article that caught my eye.
In this short piece, Stuart talked about sensible, practical, yet truly effective training programs. The article was such a stark contrast to the rest of the magazine with its routines consisting of as many as six isolation exercises for a single muscle group that it compelled my attention. A typical muscle magazine routine for biceps — the kind of routine I had been following at the time — may call for four sets each of preacher curls, dumbbell curls, cable curls, and concentration curls all in the name of hitting every fiber and head of the biceps. This was the drivel I read and blindly accepted, and yet here was Stuart saying something radically different. Use of his approach meant that one could actually pursue academics, a career, or some semblance of a social life without being doomed forever to twig arms.
At the end of this heresy was an address and brief mention of Stuart’s book and magazine. I think I actually defaced the muscle rag right there in the store by ripping Stuart’s one-page article out, folding it up, and putting it in my pocket. I hope the store manager has found a way to forgive me! When BRAWN arrived, I devoured its contents in a single evening and literally revamped my entire approach to training the next day. Flash forward 15 years, and you find a mid-thirties professional who’s still weight training with youthful enthusiasm. I’ve added substantial muscle mass over the years, and competed in many powerlifting meets.
With best lifts in the 220-class of a 550 squat, 375 bench, and 585 deadlift — all without support gear and while remaining drug-free — I am proud of both my accomplishments and the way I went about achieving them. In fact, the process — doing things the right way — has been just as important to me as the end result.
So what can I say now about Stuart’s most comprehensive, book? For me, this book reinforces the message of sensible training; something you can’t hear too often given the constant bombardment of ads for new or secret methods and supplements. Even at this stage I needed a reminder of this message, especially without the bi-monthly dose that HARDGAINER used to provide. For you, however, this book can be much more. This book can be your BRAWN. This book can be the master work that changes your entire perspective.
And you’ll have an advantage over me. With fifteen more years of experience to draw from, Stuart wrote a much better book this time. While BRAWN introduced his ideas and provided the shell for productive training, it was up to the reader to fill in the blanks. BUILD MUSCLE LOSE FAT LOOK GREAT lays everything out in explicit detail, right down to the exact exercises, sets, and reps in a multi-year plan. You’ll even be shown when to make subtle and not-so-subtle changes to the program to keep steady progress coming right to the limits of your genetics and desire. The bulk of the experimentation and guesswork I had to endure in my training journey will be removed from yours, allowing you to focus solely on training hard and fulfilling your potential.
I hope you’ll buy BUILD MUSCLE LOSE FAT LOOK GREAT and devour it as I did with BRAWN. And I hope it has even half the effect on your life that BRAWN has had on mine.
– Chuck Miller lives in Clarksburg, West Virginia, USA, and continues to train and compete in powerlifting
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Many thanks for your new book. It is of the usual high standard of the books you write. I only wish there had been such a book about when I started training back in 1959.
Like yourself and many others, I made every mistake in the book — overtraining, not enough rest, etc. But like you I had the sense to avoid drugs. And that is why I am still training and as keen as ever.
– Bill Batchelor, Brigg, England
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I am a chiropractor and Active Release Techniques practitioner in Denver. Your book BUILD MUSCLE LOSE FAT LOOK GREAT was brought to my attention by a patient of mine. I wanted to thank you for writing about and believing in Active Release Techniques.
I also want to thank you for writing a book that expresses all the safety features of lifting and strength training that I preach to my patients. I will recommend your book to people who exercise, and especially to those who repeatedly hurt themselves in the gym.
– Dr. Michelle Clark, DC, Denver, CO, USA
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I’ve looked everywhere for a book to recommend to all of my clients. BUILD MUSCLE LOSE FAT LOOK GREAT is the book I’ve been seeking. I’ve relied on exercise guidance from Stuart McRobert’s previous books for my personal fitness training and education. What’s exceptional about his latest book is that it’s appropriate for people who are already experienced in training and also for those who don’t know a power rack from a jungle gym. Furthermore, unlike most books on exercise, this book does a superb job of teaching younger people how to transform their bodies while also providing excellent information about training and physical transformation for those who are older and more health-oriented.
Everyone who already trains, and everyone who wants to start working out, will find this book of tremendous value. It’s an honest, comprehensive encyclopedia of reliable, no-hype fitness information. The only requirement is to be serious about getting in great shape, and then staying in great shape.
– Elaine Mansfield
NSCA Certified Personal Trainer and nutrition counselor, Ithaca, NY, USA