What people are saying
“BRAWN has no hype, no bull and no commercial messages. It’s the real thing and genuinely needed.”
— Dr. Ken E. Leistner
Publisher of The Steel Tip, and co-founder of Iron Island Gym, New York, USA
“I was in disbelief and even shock when I began reading BRAWN. I almost didn’t get past the first two chapters, because it was so hard to admit that my training had been so seriously wrong for such a long time. But I was compelled to finish the book. Thanks for the life-changing if not life-saving information.”
— Michael Foster, New York, USA
“One of the finest training books I’ve read.”
— Richard A. Winett, Ph.D., Blacksburg, VA, USA
Publisher, Master Trainer
“BRAWN and BEYOND BRAWN have helped me more than any other information in the field. The information you get out of any book is good so long as you can implement it, and you get reasonable results for the effort invested. That’s exactly what I got out of what we’d call the technical side of the two books. But far more important, in my opinion, is the motivational aspect of both books — the aspect that got me on the right track and kept me on it. It’s said that, in bodybuilding, the real secret is to KEEP ON training. Or, better said, to find out what’s best FOR YOU and KEEP ON applying it. Money can be recovered, but time can’t. These books are very serious. No nonsense. No lies. No utopian ideas. No dreams. No fantasies. No pictures. No ads. Nothing for sale but results.”
— Fernando Vallejo, Pamplona, Spain
“BRAWN bowled me over. It’s an exceptional nuts and bolts compilation of productive training practices; so exceptional, in fact, that it’s avant-garde.”
— Jan Dellinger, York Barbell Company, York, PA, USA
“BRAWN cuts through the hokum of the current scene and revives a grand tradition of productive training.”
— Paul Kelso, Japan
“Believe me, when it comes to training books I’m the world’s harshest critic. So when I tell you that BRAWN is the first book I recommend to my clients, you will realize just how highly I rate this excellent book. It definitively sets the foundation and the standard for sensible and productive strength training.”
— Bob Whelan, M.S., M.S., C.S.C.S., Washington, DC, USA
President, Whelan Strength Training
“I recently made a commitment to get back in shape, and STAY there. I recalled one of my friends telling me about an author he really liked. I emailed him about it, and a few weeks later met him for lunch where he lent me BRAWN. I was hungry for this knowledge. I decided to visit a chiropractor for a “tune up.” I was experiencing no pain, but thought it would be a good idea to get everything in line before I began my new exercise program. When I met my chiropractor for the first time, I explained to Dr. Shuey about my returning to the gym, wanting to do things right this time, and my idea for a skeletal tune up. I told him I was reading a book which emphasized the benefits of the basic, multi-joint exercises such as the deadlift and squat. After saying only that, Dr. Shuey asked, ‘You aren’t reading Stuart McRobert, are you?’ I came to find out that Dr. Shuey has been a subscriber to HARDGAINER magazine since the first edition, has all the issues, and all of Stuart’s books. When I walked into a chiropractor’s office – a doctor accustomed to dealing with sports injuries on a daily basis – and he had nothing but praise for your written works, that made a big impact. He told me that following the information in BRAWN was ‘the right thing to do . . . if more people followed the instructions laid out in that book, it would make my job a lot easier.’ Thank you for writing BRAWN, Mr. McRobert. I look forward to consistent progression over many years to come.”
— Chris Burton Tulsa, OK, USA